Subject: grade 6 math

Find the two numbers:
5 is a common factor;
100 is a common multiple;
neither number is a mulitple of the other;
both are even.
I am a grade 6 student.


your clues:

5 is a common factor;
100 is a common multiple;
neither number is a multiple of the other;
both are even.
actually tell us some extra things.

Since they are both even and both multiples of 5 we actually know that they are both multiples of 10.

Now, using the fact that 100 is a multiple of them both, we know that the two numbers are in the list: {10, 20, 50}. (since 30, 40, 60, 70, 80 & 90 don't divide 100).

We now have to find two of these that satisfy "neither number is a multiple of the other". This leaves us with 20 and 50.


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