i was wondering if you could help me out with this solution.... -- Given the following information of the function

  1. f''(x) = 2f(x) for every value of x

  2. f(0) = 1

  3. f(0) = 0
what is the complete Taylor series for f(x) at a = 0

Hi Karan,

I think that you want condition 3. to be f'(0) = 0

If you are to write the Taylor series that you have to assume that f(x) can de differentiated as many times as you like. Condition 1. then contains a great deal of information. First

f''(0) = 2f(0) = 2
Now if you differentiate both sides of condition 1. you get

f'''(x) = 2 f'(x)
and hence

f'''(0) = 2 f'(0) = 2 (0) = 0
Differentiating again

f(4)(x) = 2 f''(x)
and hence

f(4)(0) = 2 f''(0) = 2 [2f(0)] = 22

Following this procedure you can find f(n)(0) for all n and hence you can construct the Taylor series.

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