My name is Liz, my question: What is the perimeter of one acre of land? Answer in yards, please.


Hi Liz,

There isn't "one answer" to your question.

An acre is a measure of area, it is 4840 square yards. We usually think of an acre as a rectangular plot of land but even then the perimeter is not fixed. For example a rectangle which is 44 yards by 110 yards has an area of

44 x 110 = 4840 square yards (one acre) and its perimeter is 44 + 44 + 110 + 110 = 308 yards. Also a rectangle that is 40 yards by 121 yards has an area of 40 x 121 = 4840 square yards (one acre) and its perimeter is 40 + 40 + 121 + 121 = 322 yards

In fact if you have a field that is r yards by s yards where r x s = 4840 then this field is an acre in area and its perimeter is

r + r + s + s = 2r + 2s

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