My name is Chelsea. I am in 5th grade. My question is , How can you fit 15 mice into 4 cages with an odd number of mice in each cage?

Thanks a Bunch,

Hi Chelsea,

One way to go about it is to first find a way to fit 11 mice into 4 cages with an EVEN number of mice in each cage. Once you get it, you can just add one mouse to each cage, and then you will have 15 mice in all, with an odd number in each cage.


You will probably find this second problem as difficult to solve as your first problem, but thinking about the relation between the two problems will probably help you. Can you think of a third problem that would help you solve the second? And of a fourth problem that would help you solve the third?


Hi Chelsea,

I like Claude's hint, but I would say it a different way. Imagine that you have 15 mice in 4 cages with an ODD number of mice in each cage. Take one mouse from each cage. Now you have 11 mice in 4 cages with an EVEN number of mice in each cage. What do you know about the sum of even numbers?

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