Subject: Similar triangle Name: Dave Who is asking: Student Level: Secondary
I've been to your webpage and it was really great... Question 1 is... I am standing on the bank of a river ( whose banks are parallel here) directly opposite a boathouse, B, on the opposite bank. I walk along the bank of the river past a signpost, S, until I reach a point C distant 60 metres from where I started walking. I then walk away from the bank, at right angles to the bank, until I reach a shady tree at D. Attached to teh tree is a sign stating that this spot is 45 metres from the signpost. C is 36 metres beyond S and B and S are in line from D. (a) How far did I walk away from the bank of the river?? (b) Calculate the width of the river? I know that the solution involves drawing a diagram of this but I dont know how to go about it. I can work out the answer easily once I have drawn the diagram but I just cant get my head around what it is supposed to look like. Question 2 is... I made some diagram so please check below ![]() Best Regards, Dave Hi Dave,
Here is the diagram I got for the first question. ![]() For your second problem you missed the statement that B and C are on the same side of A. Cheers,Penny