Name: Eliana

Who is asking: Student
Level: All

how do you reduce 79,537/3,623,420.

Hi Eliana,

To reduce fractions with large numerators and denominators, it is best to use the euclidian algorithm:

For  599,071/6,163,995 you would find the largest common divisor of 599,071 and 6,163,995 by taking successive divisions with remainders as follows:

6,163,995/599,071 = 10, remainder 173,285

599,071/173,285 = 3, remainder 79,216

173,285/79,216 = 2, remainder 14,853

79,216/14,853 = 5, remainder 4,951

14,853/4,951 = 3, remainder 0
The last remainder is 0, which means that the previous remainder, 4,951, is the largest common divisor of 6,163,395 and 599,071. You divide 599,071 by 4,951 to get 121, and divide 6,163,395 by 4,951 to get 1245. So 599,071/6,163,995 = 121/1245, and this is in lowest terms.

With your fraction of 79,537/3,623,420, you get a greatest common divisor of 1, which means that the fraction is already in lowest terms.

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