Quandaries and Queries


Name: Bill

Who is asking: Parent
Level: Elementary

At one time I had the answer to this math equation but I have lost it and can't seem to regain it. I may be going at it wrong but as I recall there were the numbers 1 through 4, and the std operators, +, -, /, *, and parentheses. The object was to make the four numbers with the operators equal to 7. Each number and operator may be used only once. My 9 year old loves these quizzes but I can't give it to her if I can't provide the correct answer.



Hi Bill,

There are at least 4 solutions:

((4 - 2) 3) + 1
((4 3) / 2) + 1
((4 + 1) 2) - 3
((4 - 1) 3) - 2


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