Quandaries and Queries


Name: brad

find the next two rows of numbers?

                       1 1
                       2 1
                     1 1 1 2
                     3 1 1 2
                   1 1 1 2 1 3
this is driving me insane! i take an online math course so my instructor is more or less myself. in my efforts to understand math better, i want to understand HOW i can answer this. any pointers?




Hi Brad,

I have seen a similar problem and yours could be the same, but if it is, you have an error in your 6th row. Should it in fact read "211213"? If it does, then the way this set of numbers is built is not from any mathematical computations.

If you read out loud what you have in your first row you would say one 1, which gives you your next row: 11

If you now read this out loud you would say you have two 1s, which gives you your next row: 21

If you now read this out loud you would say: one 1, one 2, which gives you your next row: 1112.
Hope this helps,


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