Quandaries and Queries


Can you explain how to round decimals in dividing?I am in the 6th grade and my name is Brittany. Can u tell me how to do a problem like this:

35 divded by 4.8= Round to hundreths.

Thanks! Bye.



Hi Brittany,

  • The tenths place is the first place after the decimal.
  • The hundredths place is the second place after the decimal.
  • The thousandths place is the third place after the decimal.
Thus you want two places after the decimal.

First you should divide to one more place than you need. Thus, for this problem you want first to divide to three places after the decimal.

Let me try 34 divided by 4.8, keeping 3 places after the decimal.

 34/4.8 = 7.083 Now you need to round to 2 places. The rule is that if the third place is smaller than 5 then round down, otherwise you round up. For 34 divided by 4.8 the third place after the decimal is 3, which is less than 5, so round down to 7.08.

Try 37 divided by 4.8, keeping 3 places after the decimal.

 37/4.8 = 7.708 Since the third place after the decimal is 8, which is more than 5, round up to 7.71

Now try 35 divided by 4.8.


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