Quandaries and Queries


Find the HCF and LCM of the polynomials given below. Verify that he productof these HCF and LCM differs from the product of the polynomials, if at all, by a factor of -1

  1. 1-x2 and x3 -1
  2. 1 - x2 and x4 - 1




Hi Charanpal,

Suppose that the problem was numeric rather than algebraic. For example find the HCF and LCM of 15 and -21. The first step would be to factor these integers to get

15 = 3 5 and -21 = -3 7

The HCF is then 3 and the LCM is 3 5 7 = 105. The requested check is

15 -21 = -315 and HCF LCM = 3 105 = 315

Now try your problem 1 above. Factoring gives

1 - x2 = (1 - x)(1 + x) and

x3 - 1 = (x - 1)(x2 + x + 1)

Can you complete the problem?



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