Quandaries and Queries


Name: james

Who is asking: Student
Level: Secondary

The volume of air flowing in windpipes is given by V=kpR4, where k is a constant, p is the pressure difference at each end, R is the radius. The radius will decrease with increased pressure, according to the formula: Ro - R = cp, where Ro is the windpipe radius when p=0 & c is a positive constant. R is restricted such that:

0 < 0.5*Ro < R < Ro,
find the factor by which the radius of the windpipe contracts to give maximum flow?

with this question i have got to the stage where i know what the max V = kp(4/5Ro)4 but what i need to know is the factor please advise and explain thank you very much



Hi James,

You went further than you needed. You wrote the volume, V, as a function of p and differentiated. Setting the derivative equal to zero gave you

Ro - 5cp = 0. This gives you the factor by which the radius of the windpipe contracts to give maximum flow, c = R0/5p


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