Quandaries and Queries

My question is: What would be the amount of interest charged or accrued and how is it calculated on principal balance of $209.12 @ 6% interest rate compounded daily for 70 days?

Thank you for your help!

Secondary (10-12)

Hi Jeff,

I expect that the 6% interest rate is 6% per year, and hence the daily interest rate is 0.06/365 = 0.00016438. To save myself some typing I am goint to call this r, that is r = 0.00016438.

On day 1 you borrow $209.12 and hence at the end of day 1 you owe

$209.12 (1 + r) At the beginning of day 2 you owe $209.12 (1 + r) and hence at the end of day 2 you owe [$209.12 (1 + r)] (1 + r) = $209.12 (1 + r)2 At the beginning of day 3 you owe $209.12 (1 + r)2 and hence at the end of day 3 you owe [$209.12 (1 + r)2] (1 + r) = $209.12 (1 + r)3 and so on.


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