Quandaries and Queries


Name: Jodia

Who is asking: Parent
Level: Elementary

Question: I have been searching the web for over an hour & a half now for the answer to the following question:

The _____ states that addends can be grouped differently but the sum does not change.



Hi Jodia,

The statement that "addends can be grouped differently but the sum does not change" means, for example that

(5 + 2) + 6 = 7 + 6 = 13 and 5 + (2 + 6) = 5 + 8 = 13 That is you can group the 5 and 2, add them and then to get 7 and then add 6, or you can group the 2 and 6, add them to get 8 and then add 5 and 8. Either method gives the same result. This is called the associative law of addition.


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