Quandaries and Queries


My husband and I are not math people, but have a math question. Perhaps you can help.

He's doing performance reviews at work.

The average performance review is 3.92 on a 5.0 scale. This person would receive a 3.5% raise for next year.

The highest performance review is 4.9 and this person would recieve a 6.0% raise for next year.

How do I solve for the other performance review numbers.

They are:


Thanks for any insight you might be able to give me.




Hi Lara,

As stated there is not enough information. I'm going to assume that there is what we call a linear relationship between the score and the % reward. In other words it is a straight line graph. Such graphs have the form y = mx + b; in your case the y is the raise and the x is the score on the performance review. The two pieces of info you gave tell us that

3.5 = 3.92m + b and
6.0 = 4.9m + b
If we solve these 2 equations in the two unknowns m and b you find, roughly, that y = 2.55x - 6.5 (you could approximate this by y = 2.5(score) - 6.5) Thus if you let x = 4.9 you get y = 2.55(4.9) - 6.5 = 6.0%. In all you'll find the corresponding numbers as follows
Score %
4.9 6.00
3.92 3.50
4.15 4.08
3.8 3.19
2.7 0.39
4.05 3.83
3.9 3.45
3.4 2.17
4.9 6.00
4.45 4.85

Hope this helps,

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