Quandaries and Queries



A train with 2 cars is traveling at a speed of 80 km/hr from town X to town y, located 800 km from each other. At the same moment that the train departed, a passenger started to walk back and forth from one end of car B to the other at a speed of 100cm/sec. Arriving in town Y, the passenger had already gone and returned 720 times. The length of car A is that of car B plus one fourth of the length of the locomotive, and the length of the locomotive equals the length of Car A plus one fifth of the length of car B. What is the total length of the train?



Hi Michael,

There are three major steps to solve this problem.


The train travels at 80 km/hr and travels 800 km, thus the train travelled for 10 hours.

Step 2:

The passenger walked at 100 cm/sec for 10 hours and thus walked

100cm/sec60sec/min60min/hr10hr = 3600000cm
which is 36000 meters

He walked the length of car B 7202=1440 times and hence car B is

36000/1440 = 25 meters long

Step 3:

Let A designate the length of car A and L designate the length of the locomotive. You now have two facts. The first is "The length of car A is that of car B plus one fourth of the length of the locomotive". That is

A = 25+1/4L

The second fact is "the length of the locomotive equals the length of Car A plus one fifth of the length of car B"

Write this second fact as an equation and then solve the two equations for A and L.




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