Quandaries and Queries


Who is asking: Student
Level: Elementary
Name: Mike

My mom tried to explain this but I am still stuck.
How do you get this answer?
deduct 60% from $150.00



Hi Mike,

We are sometimes sloppy when we use percentage in everyday language. The problem should say

Deduct 60% of $150.00 from $150.00

Deduct means subtract so this is

Subtract 60% of $150.00 from $150.00

As an intermediate step you need to find 60% of $150.00

60% of $150.00 is  60/100 $150.00 = $90.00

Thus the problem is reduced to

Subtract $90.00 from $150.00

and the answer is

$150.00 - $90.00 = $60.00



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