My name is Stefanie
Level of question: middle
My own curiosity.
I do remember the rules of BEDMAS, but for some reason this question puzzles me.
6 X 9 - 3 + 44
I started with the Multiplication
54 - 3 + 44
But then I got stuck, do I proceed with adding the 44 and subtracting the 3
or figure out what -3 + 44 is, but then how would that work with 54?
Can you help me out please?



Hi Stefanie,

Once you have only addition and subtraction, any order will give the same answer. Yo can think of this problem in different ways. Here are three ways to find 54 - 3 + 44:

54 - 3 + 44 = (54 + 44) -3 = 98 - 3 = 95


(54 - 3) + 44 = 51 + 44 = 95


54 + (-3 + 44) = 54 + 41 = 95



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