I'm having problems solving this question:

/ = divide

can you maybe help me solve the question?


There is an order that is used to evaluate arithmetic expressions. Sometimes people remember the order is BEDMAS.

  1. B: brackets

  2. E: exponents

  3. D: division

  4. M: multiplication

  5. A: addition

  6. S: subtraction

In your problem the only quantity inside brackets is -2 so there is nothing to evaluate. There are no exponents (exponents are powers like 32). Next you do any divisions. You have 32/8 which is 4 so the first step is: 5x(-2) - 32/8
= 5x(-2) - 4

Next you have a multiplication. 5x(-2) is -10 so now you have

5x(-2) -4
= -10 -4

Finally you subtract 4 from -10 to get -14. Thus the entire solution is

5x(-2) - 32/8
= 5x(-2) - 4
= -10 -4
= -14


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