Quandaries and Queries


could u please tell me the answer for this:


a to the power of 6 + b to the power of 6

thanks bipin



Hi Bipin,

The key to factoring is to recognize patterns. Three of the common patterns that you need to recognize are:

  • Difference of squares: x2 - y2 = (x - y)(x + y)
  • Difference of cubes: x3 - y3 = (x - y)(x2 + xy + y2)
  • Sum of cubes: x3 + y3 = (x + y)(x2 - xy + y2)

For your problem

a6 + b6

I see

(something)3 + (something else)3

That is

(a2)3 + (b2)3

Thus it is a sum of cubes as described above with x = a2 and y = b2.

Can you complete the problem now? If not let us know.



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