Quandaries and Queries


Name: Jae

Who is asking: Student
Level: Middle

Replace the question marks with numbers that will make the sentence true.
3. 3/?=12/?=9/?
5. Which problems have more than one possible answer? Why do you think this is so?



Hi Jae,

I can help you get started on these problems.

What I know is that if you multiply both the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same non-zero number then the resulting fraction is equivalent to the fraction you started with.So, for example


Now look at the first problem.

  1. 1/3=?/9
    9 = 3 3 and hence the numerator of the second fraction must be 1 3 = 3.
  2. I would first reduce 8/12 to lowest terms, 8/12 = 2/3.
    Now consider 8/12 = 2/34/?
    since 4 = 2 2, ? = 3  2 = 6



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