Quandaries and Queries

Name: Jim
Who is asking: Parent
Level: Secondary

From an ACT practice test:

If A/30 + B/105 = (7A + 2B)/x and A, B, and x are integers greater than 1, what must x equal?

There is probably something fast and reasonably simple, but I don't see it.

Hi Jim,

From the way this problem is worded I would change the numerators of the two fractions to 7A and 2B, respectively. That is, for the first fraction multiply the numerator and denominator by 7 to get

 A/307A/7 307A/210 and for the second fraction multiply the numerator and denominator by 2 to get  B/1052B/2 1052B/210. Thus  A/30 +  B/1057A/2102B/210 =  (7A + 2B)/210


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