Quandaries and Queries


there are 12 chocolate, sugar and cinnamon cookies. the probability of choosing a chocolate cookie is 1/3. the probability of choosing a sugar cookie is 1/4 what is the probability of choosing a cinnamon cookie

Hi Joel,

One-third of the cookies are chocolate. One-third of 12 is 4, and hence 4 of the cookies are chocolate. (If one-third of 12 is difficult for your child, take 12 pennies and arrange them in three equal size piles. Each pile will have 4 pennies so one-third of 12 is 4.)

Similarly one-quarter of the cookies are sugar cookies and one-quarter of 12 is 3. Thus 4 + 3 = 7 of the twelve cookies are either chocolate of sugar leaving 12 - 7 = 5 cookies that are cinnamon cookies. Hence the probability of choosing a cinnamon cookie is  5/12.

I hope this helps,

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