Quandaries and Queries


 My name is Ken and I am taking my GED course for my High School and have not been in a class for 35 years. I am doing this for re-training. I am at the part about fractions. Here is an example that I am having trouble with.
                                       1 3/7 + 4 2/3 + 11/21
  They have no common denominators. Could you PLEASE help me. If you could send me a step by step explanation it would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Ken,

1 = 7/7 so you can write 1 3/7 as 10/7. Also 4 = 12/3and hence 4 2/3 can be written 14/3. Hence the problem becomes


21 = 3 7 and hence 21 is a common denominator. For the first fraction multiply the numerator and denominator by 3 and in the second fraction multiply the numerator and denominator by 7. This gives





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