Quandaries and Queries


Niece has a question that was marked wrong but we are unable to determine how the teacher calculated and arrived at the answer? The problem was as follows:

50 / 5x - y =


We and niece come up with 1, while the teacher marked the correct answer as -9. Can you help explain how she arrived at this answer?

Thanks for any help.




Hi Rick,

I find questions like this really annoying. It's like reading an English sentence that need a comma to make the meaning clear.

Students in school are sometimes taught a a rule called BEDMAS or PEDMAS. It indicates the order of operations in a mathematical expression.

  1. B(P) - brackets (parentheses)
  2. E - exponentiation
  3. D - division
  4. M - multiplication
  5. A - addition
  6. S - subtraction

If you follow this rule for your expression, there are no brackets or exponents so first you perform and divisions

50 / 5x - y = (50/5)x - y = 10x - y

Next the multiplication

10x - y= (10 5) - y = 50 - y

and then the subtraction

50 - y = 50 - 1 = 49

This procedure gives 50 / 5x - y = 49 when x=5 and y=1.

Your niece performed the multiplication first.

50 / 5x - y = 50 / (5x) - y = 50 / 25 - y

then the division

50 / 25 - y = 2 - y

and then the subtraction

2 - y = 2 - 1 = 1

This procedure gives 50 / 5x - y = 1 when x=5 and y=1.

I don't see how to get an answer of -9. I suppose you could perform the operations in the order

50 / (5x - y) = 50/(25-1) = 50/24 = 2.083

that is the multiplication, then subtraction and finally division but this doesn't give -9 either. I think there must be a typo somewhere.

I don't know any mathematician who would write 50/5x - y. We would all write it as

(50/5)x - y


50/(5x) - y

so that the meaning was clear.



The answer of 1 appears correct to me as well. Perhaps there was a typo in the original question and y was supposed to be 11 and not 1, as this would yield an answer of -9.



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