Quandaries and Queries



My name is Antonio .

I am a secondary student .I have difficulties in proving the following:

The numbers p and 8p2 +1 are prime. Prove that the number 8p2+2p+1 is also a prime number.
Thanks for your help.



Hi Antonio,

If p = 3 then 8p2 +1 = 73 which is a prime and 8p2+2p+1 = 79 which is also a prime.

If p is a prime that is not 3 then division of p by 3 leaves a remainder of either 1 or 2.

If the remainder after dividing p by 3 is 1, then the remainder after dividing p2 by 3 is also 1. Thus the remainder after dividing 8p2 +1 by 3 is 0, and hence 8p2 +1 is not a prime.

What can you say if the remainder after dividing p by 3 is 2?

Claude and Penny


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