Quandaries and Queries


I have the dimensions of 16 feet by 10 ft and 3 1/2 inches deep how much concrete do I need. 

A Carpenters wife my name is Garnet.   We have been trying to figure this out with no success.  Thank you so much for your help.  I'm sure this is a piece of cake for you's.



Hi Garnet,

Concrete is measured in cubic yards so you should first change all the dimensions to yards.

16 feet = 16/3 = 5.33 yards
10 feet = 10/3 = 3.33 yards
3.5 inches = 3.5/12 3 = 0.0972 yards

Thus you need

5.33 3.33 0.0972 = 1.73 cubic yards.



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