Quandaries and Queries


Who is asking: Student
Level: Secondary

My teacher wants to know why there are extraneous solutions in logarithms?



Hi Heather,

An extraneous solution might arise from the fact that the log(x) does not exist if x is negative. For example suppose you were asked to find x is

log(x) = log(x2 - 2)

A solution migh look like

log(x) = log(x2 - 2), therefore
x = x2 - 2. Hence
x2 - x - 2 = 0
(x - 2)(x + 1) = 0
Therefore x = 2 or x = -1

If you now try to verify your solution you see that x = -1 is not a solution since log(-1) does not exist. The olny solution is x = 2.



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