Quandaries and Queries


My name is Justin, I am a student in 12th grade. 

How do I solve for "a" and "t" in the equations:

1000t= -4000 + 2000t + (1/2)at2
1000=2000 + at



Hi Justin,

In the second equation solve for a.

1000 = 2000 + at
-1000 = at
a = -1000/t

Now substitute this value into the first equation.

1000t = -4000 + 2000t + (1/2)at2
1000t = -4000 + 2000t + (1/2) ( -1000/t) t2

1000t = -4000 + 2000t + (1/2)(-1000)t

Solve this equation for t.



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