Quandaries and Queries


who is asking:student
Level of question: middle
I Was working and i ran into this problem can you help me solve it using the substitution method?

and I have another question




Look at the first two equations

-3x -2y = -10
x + 5y = -27

In the second equation add -5y to each side to get

x + 5y -5y = -27 -5y
and hence
x = -27 -5y

Thus I "solved for x in terms of y", in other words I have x = (some expression involving y but no x).

Now take this expression for x and substitute it into the first equation

-3x -2y = -10, therefore
-3 ( -27 -5y) -2y = -10

Now simplify

81 + 15y - 2y = -10
81 + 13y = -10
13y = -10 -81 = -91
y = -91/13 = -7

Finally, since y = -7 you can substitute that value into x = -27 -5y to get

x = -27 -5(-7) = -27 + 35 = 8

Hence x = 8 and y = -7.

I could have started by "solving the first equation for x in terms of y" or either equation "for y in terms of x" but I made the choice I did since I could proceed without using fractions.

Now you try the second problem and write back it you have difficulty.



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