Quandaries and Queries


How do we solve 2x - 5x + 6.3 = -14.4 Please help on this, math is beyond me and I am trying to help my freshman son.

Thank you,


Hi Leslie,

It sometimes helps to think of an equation as a balance with the balance point at the equal sign. You have a balance with 2x - 5x + 6.3 on the left side and -14.4 on the right. The challenge is to manipulate the equation, maintaining the balance, and end with the variable x alone on the left side and a number on the right, that is

x = some number.

There are four manipulations you can perform that will maintain the balance.

  1. You can add the same amount to both sides
  2. You can subtract the same amount to both sides
  3. You can multiply both sides by the same amount
  4. You can divide both sides by the same amount, as long as that amount is not zero.

In your equation the first step is to rewrite 2x - 5x as -3x.

2x - 5x + 6.3 = -14.4
-3x + 6.3 = -14.4

I want to have x alone on the left side so subtract 6.3 to each side to get

-3x + 6.3 - 6.3 = -14.4 - 6.3
-3x = -20.7

Finally, to end with x alone on the left, divide both sides by -3 to get

 -3x /-3-20.7 /-3

x = 6.9
