Quandaries and Queries


My name is Samuel and I am a secondary student. My question is the following:
If we add one 1 at the beginning and at the end of a number, this number is increased by 14789.
What is the sum of the digits of the number?. Many thanks for your help.



I am going to do a similar problem.

If we add one 1 at the beginning and at the end of a number, this number is increased by 15185. What is the number?

I think that the number must have 3 digits so that when I add a 1 to each end I get 1 5 digit number. Lets say the number is pqr, then adding a 1 to each end gives 1pqr1. The problem says that 1pqr1 is 15185 more than pqr, that is

+ pqr

From above 5 + r has a units digit of 1 so r = 6.

+ pq6

Continuing to add, 5 + 6 = 11 and 8 + 1 + q has a units digit of 6. Thus q = 7.

+ p76

In a similar fashion p must be 5 so the number you started with was 576.
