Subject: i don't know how to find the value of "x"
Name: Ashley
Who are you: Student




I'm not sure if you mean

4/7x + 3 = 15 or 4/7 x + 3 = 15

I am going to assume it is the second. 4/7 x + 3 = 15.

You want to manipulate the equation, always maintaining an equality and end with x on the left of the equal sign and a number on the right. I would first subtract 3 from both sides. This gives

4/7 x + 3 = 15
4/7 x + 3 - 3 = 15 - 3
4/7 x = 12

The difficulty now is the fraction o the left side so multiply both sides by 7.

4/7 x = 12
7 x 4/7 x = 7 x 12
4x = 84

Finally divide both sides by 4

4x = 84
4x/4 = 84/4
x = 21

I hope this helps,