Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


I have an uncle who plays the Massachusetts daily lottery. It a 4 number lottery. He wanted to know how many different 4 number combinations could he make using these 12 separate numbers.

3 7 4 0 6 9 1 3 7 3 9 8


Hi Joe,

In your "12 separate numbers" you have eight distinct digits and the number of ways of choosing four digits from eight digits is

8 choose 4


I see that it has been answered. But PENNY NOM assumed I did not want to include the duplicate numbers. She cut it down to 8 instead of the 12. Can someone redo the math on this using all 12, including dupes, numbers.


Well I'm not sure it makes sense to use all 12 numbers - for example, do you want to allow 3939 and 3399? Is the problem is to create a 4 digit number from a 0, a 1, a 4, a 6, an 8, two 7's, two 9's and three 3's? In this case I think one has to consider quite a number of cases involving how often multiple digits are used. I can slog through that but I'd really like to know exactly what you want first.

Thi direction is correct. I would want 3939, 3399, 9933, 9393, etc. All 4 digits combos of the 12 numbers.

And yes to this question if it makes it clearer: Is the problem is to create a 4 digit number from a 0, a 1, a 4, a 6, an 8, two 7's, two 9's and three 3's?

One has to consider cases:

  1. 3 3's are used: there are 4 ways to place the 3 3's in the 4
    spots; for each of those we need to place one of the remaining 7
    distinct numbers in the empty spot. A total of 4x7 = 28 ways.

  2. 2 3's are used: there are 6 ways to place the 2 3's in the 4 spots;
    for each of those we need to place two of the remaining numbers in the
    empty spots. This time however we may use 2 7's or 2 9's, or 2 of the
    remaining 7 distinct numbers to fill in the empty spots. A total of
    6x2 + 6x7x6 = 264 ways.

  3. 1 3 is used: there are 4 ways to place the 3 in the 4 spots; for
    each of those we need to place 3 of the remaining numbers in the empty
    spots. This time however we may use 2 7's or 2 9's and a 3rd digit, or
    3 of the remaining 7 distinct numbers to fill in the empty spots. If
    we use 2 7's (or 2 9's) we can place them in 3 ways and then we need
    to pick one of the remaining 6 distinct numbers to go in the 4th spot.
    This gives 4x2x3x6 = 144 ways. If we use 3 distinct numbers there are
    4x7x6x5 = 840 ways. A total of 984 ways.

  4. 0 3's are used:
    1. 2 9's are used: these can be placed in 6 ways; if the 2 7's are
      used to fill in the other two spots this can only be done in 1 way,
      otherwise we need to fill in the 2 spots with 2 of the 6 distinct
      remaining numbers (remember we can't use 3 here as we're doing 0 3's).
      The number of ways is 6x1 + 6x6x5 = 186 ways.

    2. 2 9's are not used but 2 7's are used: these can be placed in 6
      ways; we need to fill in the other 2 spots with 2 of the 6 distinct
      remaining numbers (remember we can't use 3 here as we're doing 0 3's).
      The number of ways is 6x6x5 = 180 ways.

    3. Neither 2 7's nor 2 9's are used: Then we have to place 4 distinct
      numbers from the 7 allowed into the 4 spots, a total of 7x6x5x4 = 840

In total we have 28 + 264 + 984 + 186 + 180 + 840 = 2482 ways.


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