My name is Josh and I have a question. How do you write a variable expression for the following:

The amount of money Waldo has if he has $10 more than Joe and

How much weight Kirk can lift if he lifts 30 lbs more than his brother.

I am in 7th grade ap math and the substitute teacher we had today could not help us with the homework.


Hi Josh.

I like to use variables that refer to the first letter of the quantity they represent.

The amount of money Waldo has if he has $10 more than Joe

I would think of this as Waldo's money (W) is (=) $10 more (10 +) than Joe (J).
So W = 10 + J.

How much weight Kirk can lift if he lifts 30 lbs more than his brother.

Think of this as Kirk's weight (K) is (=) 30 lbs more (30 +) than his brother (B).
So K = 30 + B.

Here's one for you to do:

Now Josh knows two more things than the substitute. :)

Hope this helps,
Stephen La Rocque.