Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from CARLA, a parent:

at a certain time i looked at a 24-hour digital clock and noticed some things about the time. (1 The number in the hours section plus the number in the minutes section makes 60.(2 One of the digits in the minutes section is the square root of the other digit in the minutes section.(3 The sum of the digits in the minutes section is the number in the hours section reversed. What is the time?

Hi Carla,

I would start with

One of the digits in the minutes section is the square root of the other digit in the minutes section

The number in the minutes section is between 00 and 60. Write a list of all the positive integers between 00 and 60 where one of the digits is the square root of the other. I found 5 of them. For each apply

The sum of the digits in the minutes section is the number in the hours section reversed

to find the number in the hours section. For which one does

The number in the hours section plus the number in the minutes section makes 60?



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