Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from judy:

please explain how to get from the decimal number .3437 to the fraction 11/32

Hi Judy,

There appears to be an error in your question as 11/32 = 0.34375 (not .3437 as you've indicated).

Now if you're trying to convert 0.34375 into its equivalent fraction form (in lowest terms) then you should proceed as follows. I will illustrate a similar example.

Convert 0.4375 into its equivalent fraction in lowest terms:

0.4375 = 4/10 + 3/100 + 7/1000 + 5/10000 Now find a common denominator (10000)
= 4000/10000 + 300/10000 + 70/10000 + 5/10000 Now combine into one fraction
= 4375/10000 Now reduce to lowest terms
= 7/16 Both numerator and denominator were divisible by 625

Hope this helps,

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