Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from Kelly, a student:

is (-1,5) a solution of each system? y=-x+4 y=-1/5x

Hi Kelly,

Have a look at the problem Steve did for Mary. He solved the system

2x + 3y - 9 = 2
6 - 2x = 2y

and found the solution (-2, 5). To show that this is actually a solution, substitute x = -2,y = 5 into each of the equations and see if the resulting left sides and right sides are equal. So for the first equation

2x + 3y - 9 = 2

when x = -2 and y = 5

left side = 2(-2) + 3(5) - 9 = -4 + 15 - 9 = 2
right side = 2.

Thus the (-2, 5) is a solution to the first equation. Now the second equation

6 - 2x = 2y

when x = -2 and y = 5

left side = 6 -2(-4) = 6 + 4 = 10
right side = 2(5) = 10.

Thus the (-2, 5) is a solution to the second equation also.

Now try your problem,

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