Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from Lok, a student:

Dear Sir/Madam,

I do not understand why 1.05 = 5%, how can I get this?
In additional, if I want to calculate 10 x 5% in excel, what is the formula?

Looking forward to your reply soon!

Thanks & regards,

Hi Lok,

5% is not 1.05, 5% is 0.05. I think I know where the confusion arises.

Suppose you buy an item for $47.76 and there is a 5% sales tax. You then have to pay $47.76 plus 5% of $47.76. This is

$47.76 + 0.05 × $47.76 = (1 + 0.5 ) × $47.76 = 1.05 × $47.76

Thus multiplying the selling price by 1.05 gives the cost, including the 5% sales tax.

Does this help?

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