Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from David, a parent:

The base of a rectangular prism has an area of 15.3 square inches and a volume of 185.13 cubic inches. Write an equation that can be used to find the height "h" of the prism


The volume of a prism is simply the area of the base times the height. So to get the height when you know the volume and the base area, you just divide.

Hope this helps,
Stephen La Rocque


Write an equation that can be used to find the height "h" of the prism

Do you know the equation V = Ah to find the volume of a prism from the base area and height?

Strictly speaking this equation "can be used to find the height" but I suspect that your child's teacher wants it to be solved for "h" (by isolating "h" on one side.)

Possibly the given values for A and V are also meant to be plugged in. The phrasing is a little ambiguous!

Good Hunting!

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