Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from kaylin, a student:

When a 4 digit rounded to the nearest thousand, it rounds up to 3000. the hundred digit is less than 6. the digits in the ten and ones place add to a sum of 8 and they are the same . what is the number

We have two responses for you


If the 4 digit rounded to the nearest thousand rounds up to 3000 the thousands digit must have been 2. Thus the number was
2 ? ? ?

Can you find the remaining digits?



*What must the thousands digit be ("rounds _up_")?
*What are the choices for the hundreds digit?

the hundred digit is less than 6.

*What are the choices for the hundreds digit now?

the digits in the ten and ones place add to a sum of 8
and they are the same.

*What must they be?

what is the number

*But you know now, don't you?

Good Hunting!

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