Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from Prashanth:

if you stack two eggs eah in row you must get 1 balance
if you stack three eggs eah in row you must get 2 balance
if you stack four eggs eah in row you must get 3 balance
if you stack five eggs eah in row you must get 4 balance
it goes on like 6 , 7 , 8 and finally
if you stack nine eggs eah in row you must get 8 balance
what would be the answer and how to reach it


Your question (slightly rephrased)

if you arrange N eggs in pairs one is left over
if you arrange N eggs in groups of three, two are left over
if you arrange N eggs in groups of four, three are left over
and so on, until
if you arrange N eggs in groups of nine, eight are left over

How many eggs?

Two approaches:

(1) Start with a simpler version and build up.

If you arrange N eggs in pairs one is left over.
Find the first several solutions (there are obviously many!)
If you arrange N eggs in pairs one is left over
If you arrange N eggs in groups of three, two are left over
Find the first several solutions
Now use three rules; look for a pattern; extend it.


(2) Change the problem. Suppose you had one more egg...

Good Hunting!

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