Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from Carol, a student:

Frank makes picture frames his revenue from sales is R=$13.60x for frames sold. The cost making frames is C=$5.80x+$120 for frames made. What is the minimum number of frames Frank must make and sell in order for his revenue to be greater than his costs.

Hey Carol,

You have the answer within the question! Because you have been given both formulas,

Let x=# of frames sold
R=$13.60x (R = revenue),
C=$5.80x+$120 (C=cost to make frames)

you just need to set up the statement;

Revenue greater than Cost

$13.60x > $5.80x+$120

Now solve for x to find the # of frames sold.
Remember, you can't sell part of a frame so round up!




I would use Melanie's equations but solve

$13.60x = $5.80x+$120.

This will give you the number of frames sold if the revenue and cost are exactly the same. The solution probably won't be an integer. If you round up to the next integer to find the minimum number of frames Frank must make and sell in order for his revenue to be greater than his costs.


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