Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from celina, a student:

what is the exponential form of 4x*4x

Hi Celina,

Exponential form means using exponents and there are a variety of ways you can write this expression using exponents.

4x * 4x = 4 * x * 4 * x = 4 * 4 * x * x = 42 * x2 = 42 x2.

But 42 = 16 so you might write this as

4x * 4x = 16 x2.

Also 22 = 4 so you could write this as

4x * 4x = 22x * 22x = 22 * 22 * x2 = 24 x2.

I'm not sure which form is expected, they are all exponential forms.


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