Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from karen, a student:

find three consecutive odd integers such that twice the sum of the second and the third is 43 more that three times the first

Hi Karen,

Every odd integer is 1 more than an even integer so every odd integer can be written 2n + 1 where n is some integer. The next odd integer is 2 more than 2n + 1 so its 2n + 1 + 2 = 2n + 3. The next odd integer is 2 more than 2n + 3 so three consecutive integers can be written

2n + 1, 2n + 3 and 2n + 5.

Now write the instruction "twice the sum of the second and the third is 43 more that three times the first" as an equation and solve for n.


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