Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from Brent:

I have a golf group that is set up as follows: 12 players, broken into
2 teams of 6. I am looking for a formula to have one player from team A
play against one player for team B each round, not repeat the match, and
ride with as little duplication as possible. I know that it is not statistically
possible with these numbers and will have at least one round that has


Actually, as described, this is possible (and easy)

Let one team be A,B,C,D,E,F and the other a,b,c,d,e,f

First day: A-a, B-b, C-c, D-d, E-e, F-f
Second day: A-b, B-c, C-d, D-e, E-f, F-a
Third day: A-c, B-d, C-e, D-f, E-a, F-b
Fourth day: A-d, B-e, C-f, D-a, E-b, F-c
Fifth day: A-e, B-f, C-a, D-b, E-c, F-d
Sixth day: A-f, B-a, C-b, D-c, E-d, F-e

Good Hunting!

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