Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from kabilan, a student:

increase a price of £8.24 by 46% and give the answer to the nearest penny

Increasing by 46% is the same as multiplying by 1.46. I'm sure you can do this!

This is a particularly simple case:

increasing by 3% is multiplying by 1.03 (1 + 3/100) not by 1.3

increasing by 137% is multiplying by 2.37 (1 + 137/100) not by 1.137

increasing by 1000% is multiplying by 11 (1 + 1000/100) not by 1.1000 or 10 or 1000

decreasing by 1% is multiplying by 0.99 (1 - 1/100) not dividing by 1.01

decreasing by 45% is multiplying by 0.55 (1 - 45/100) not dividing by 1.45

decreasing by 137% is multiplying by -0.37 (1-137/100)

Good Hunting!

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