Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from James, a teacher:

13 golfers playing in 4 groups [4,3,3,3 per group] for four rounds.
Can it be scheduled so that no two people play together more than twice?


I wrote a program to find a best possible schedule. Here is what it found:

Day 1: 1 2 3 4; 5 6 7; 8 9 10; 11 12 13
Day 2: 1 5 8 11; 2 6 9; 3 7 12; 4 10 13
Day 3: 1 6 10 12; 2 5 13; 3 9 11; 4 7 8
Day 4: 1 7 9 13; 2 8 12; 3 5 10; 4 6 11

It looks to me like every pair is together exactly once. The only flaw is that 1 is always in the foursome. Maybe he can be the host?

Have fun.

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