Question from Warren:
If you are an ardent shopper you will be aware of the discount (% decrease) marketing strategy to produce the sale price. I began to wonder just how much mark-up (% increase) was added initially to an item in order to deliver the discounted sale price.
It was simple to construct a formula to convert one to the other.
For example a 30% (mark down) decrease in price required a 42.86% (mark up) to increase the price initially to Tag price. However when I started apply the formulae to a number of circumstances I noticed some very interesting circumstances associated with this relationship
For example a 99.999999% decrease is numerically equal to a 9,999,999,925% increase (huge ratio difference) while conversely a 0.1% decrease is numerically equal to a 0.10010010% increase (Infinitesimally small ratio difference) so the patterns appears logarithmic not linear.
However what really caught my attention was this pattern
My questions is why does the decline in the ratio of increases in required mark up (%) price peak at 50 and 51% precisely and then expand again as the percentage move higher
Any explanation would be appreciated