Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from Tront:

So, there's a general rule that all squares are rectangles but not all rectangles are squares. I'm trying to find a term that would describe this relationship. I've found that if all of A is B but not all B is A then I'd say that A is a subset of B, but is there a term that describes the relationship as a whole? I don't want to describe the components, I want to describe the relationship as a whole.

Hi Tront,

I think the term you want is logical implication.

There are different, equivalent definitions of a rectangle and a square. Here are two of them.


A rectangle is a quadrilateral with 4 right angles.


A square is a quadrilateral with 4 sides of equal length and 4 right angles.

If a plane figure is a square then a logical implication of this is that it is also a rectangle.

To prove this implication assume that a plane figure $F$ is a square. Then $F$ is a quadrilateral with 4 sides of equal length and 4 right angles. Hence $F$ is a quadrilateral and it has 4 right angles. Thus $F$ is a square.

I hope this helps,

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