Math CentralQuandaries & Queries


Question from Al:

If something costs $\$2.5$ square meter, how much would it cost in square inches? How do i convert costs per square inch, into square meters?


I'm going to change your question slightly and then come back to your question. I am going to ask

If something costs $\$2.5$ square meter, how much would it cost in square yards?

I changed inches to yards since a meter and a yard are close in length. A yard is 36 inches and a meter is approximately 39 inches. Hence if a square meter costs $\$2.50$ then, since a square yard is slightly smaller then a square meter, a square yard should cost slightly less.

This is a question where I think you should use the Internet for an answer. I typed

What is $\$2.50$ per square meters in US dollars per square yard?

into the Google search window and I got the response "2.0903184 U.S. dollars per (square yard)". Which is what I expected, something slightly less that $\$2.50.$

Now you try it replacing "yard" s my question with "inch". When I did it I got approximately 0.16 cents.

Side note: I live in Canada and when I first did this I typed

What is $\$2.50$ per square meters in dollars per square yard?

Google interpreted $\$2.50$ as US dollars but gave me the answer in Canadian dollars. Strange!


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